
More on Transactive Energy…

(image courtsey of Solar City/Tesla).

The concept of transactive energy has to do with energy production and the movement of that energy. There many places where the two way flow of energy exists, but frankly the reality of energy distribution is part of the problem. Acceptable loss due to physical limitations can be as much and 40% of the originally transmitted energy. The changes required to reduce the loss would be significant for most power companies. The resulting savings and reduction of atmospheric pollution would be unbelievable.

Scott’s Rules on TE (Transactive Energy)

  1. Every building around the world higher than five stories should have a mandatory power offset rule. I.e., they have to have a wind turbine or solar array on the roof to offset the cost of the power consumed by the building.
  2. Any HOA that prohibits Solar or Wind Turbines should be placed in a special tax bracket, say 50% or more of their assets seized every year. HOA’s that limit clean energy are short-sighted and need to stop.
  3. All solar neighborhoods that produce more than 60% of their total energy requirements using the arrays should be rewarded in some fashion.

Those are the first two of a set of rules I wrote roughly a year ago. The reality of home energy today is the reality of the grid. Micro-grids are created when you deploy solar or a wind turbine at your home. A micro-grid includes a power production, power distribution and power consumption source in a unified location. Many governments around the world have been working on the concept of Micro-grids for many years.

The reality of TE is that it was still most likely 3 to 5 years ago. The laws that govern and allow for TE are still willy-nilly in the sense that some states have them, some states do not. Overall the concept is one that is coming. With Elon Musk’s Tesla solar roofing tiles the question won’t be why don’t you have solar, its do you want your whole roof solar?


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!