
Making Circles – 6

Life continued into High School as it had in Junior High. Laurie was the centre of attention, I was her Best Friend, and Shaun continued to look at her with longing.

As we reached towards the end of final year, I knew he was  trying to build up the courage to ask Laurie to the Prom. She had  a lot of ‘asks’  and decided she would go with Jack.

Seeing Shaun gearing up, I prevented his humiliation.

“Shaun…” I called and gestured.

When we were out of ear shot;  “If you are thinking of asking Laurie to the Prom, you are late.”

“Who is she going with!”  He exclaimed, not asked.

“The quarterback.”

“Oh,” he said, doing that vulnerable expression which made me want to hold him.

Of course I didn’t.  I behaved distant.

“Are you going?” he questioned.

“Are you asking me to be your date?”

“If no one…if you…I mean…”

So here we have it. I can either show anger and hurt and upsetness and all the rest because I’m second choice, or I can pretend that he is asking me because he likes me.

I can sit home on Prom night. Or I can have Laurie fix me with a date from some one I don’t even like or want to be with. Or, I can go with someone I love and want to be with.

“Sure, I’ll go with you.  At least my brain won’t atrophy.” I tossed as the Nerd Queen.

I knew he would use me to be near Laurie.  For we’d be a foursome.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar