
Making Circles – 25

I stood, just  looking around the campus, then walked home.

My mother was surprised to see me so early, and I said;

“I have to take a break… at least asmall one before my brain explodes.”

We went shopping, not that I needed anything specific, but it was a great stress remover.  I saw people,I spoke to my mother, I looked around, I was ‘me’.

In one way there was a sense of embarrassment and a little shame at being so stupid for so long.  In another, I felt like a child, retracing my steps to the thirteen year old who had ‘fallen in love’ with Shaun, and starting again.

It is hard to explain, maybe it’s like learning a secret or realising that what you believed didn’t exist as you thought it did.

I felt new.

All these years, contemptuous of Shaun’s love for a woman who didn’t know he was alive, reflected in a broken mirror,  on me, who had loved Shaun, who didn’t know I was alive.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar