
JEE Advanced 2019 – The Golden Gate For a Bright Career

Every year, millions of students apply for the coveted JEE Advanced 2019exam. However, only a select few who are bright and passionate about the subject make it to the actual institutes after passing the exams.

Exam Date

This year, the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee has released the officially scheduled date of the exam to be May 27th 2019. The prospective candidates should note down this date and be well prepared for the exam. Close to 2.5 lakh students are appearing this year for the JEE Advanced 2019 exam. It is a national level entrance exam for securing seats in the best institutes in India offering engineering or architecture programs like the IITs, NITs and many more. This entrance test is for many courses spanning these prestigious universities.

The last date for registering for the exam online is May 9th 2019. The registration fee varies in different categories of people. The exam as well will be completely online.

Admit Card

The admit card will be given to the registered students on May 20th 2019. It will be made available online and it has to be downloaded by logging in with the right credentials on the portal. If any mistakes are found on the admit card, then the students will have to contact the authorities to make the necessary corrections.

The first exam to clear before JEE Advanced would be JEE Mains, which will be held across different zones in India. Students who have qualified during the JEE Mains exam will be allowed to appear for the JEE Advanced exam. Apart from this, there are other criteria as well like age, the number of attempts and few more keys to be able to qualify for the JEE Advanced 2019.

Results and Counselling

The exam will be held completely online. It will be held in two shifts on the said date. It will be held in various test centres across India, the cities been divided into 7 different zones. The pattern of the exam remains the same and will be quite challenging even for the well-prepared students in the lot. After the exam is over, the answer key for the JEE advanced exam will be released by June 4th 2019 and the full results will be out by June 14th 2019.

After the results are declared, the merit list is put out and the selected candidates will be called for counselling to select their choice of institutes among the best in India.

JEE Advanced 2019 can prove to be quite challenging. However, it is given that even the students would have worked hard throughout the year with a single-minded focus to clear this prestigious entrance exam. Every year, only those students who have both the talent and hardworking abilities to make it to the top and clear this test to get into the best of the Universities in India. This exam season, may luck and destiny is with the hardworking and deserving students!


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Written by Prabha Gupta