
It's Quiet

It doesn’t often happen here. But right now in my home it’s  quiet. No one is speaking. There is no music or television on. The only thing that I can hear is the clicking of the the keyboard as I type and I find that           comforting. 

Oops! He just got up and the television is now blaring.  Now I have some choices I can be  because my train of thought and feeling of peace has been disturbed, or I can choose to , do a little eye roll and get serious about the things that need to be done today.

I often wonder if I would be happier living alone so my time was my own. There is much to be said about solitude and the blessings that come with it. I guess I have a lot to think about today. Guess I better forge ahead with the noisy place I call home. 

I hope you have a great day and I look forward to reading and viewing your posts.

Carry on! ?


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter

One Comment

  1. I prefer solitude but it is not always the case. Somehow, my quiteness will be interfered with. I have learned to accept such intrusion will always occur.