
Love ItLove It

–> 5 Things We Can Do!

Yes, I think it is fair to say I am just plain stubborn. There are things we can do and we should do them if we want to keep a legitimate site. We can avoid unnecessary complaining and punctuation. We can read and make relevant comments. We can have accurate titles so the reader knows what they are getting. We can do our best to get it right the first time because the edit is not an option. None of us are perfect and all we can do is our best. This is an open list so please add something that you think we can do.

See previous posts for a disclaimer if not listed here.

Disclaimer: Unless mentioned by name there is no real or inference, referring to anyone on this site, real or fictional.


Here is something that you may not realize. Many of you have been the wind beneath my wings. I wear my heart right out there on my sleeve. It's who I am and for some that is an easy target and for others it's a window to my soul.

So no matter what happens with this post, this site or whatever tomorrow brings, I am grateful for the people I have met and the many of you who have been the wings beneath my wings. 

Thank you. 

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#2 Here's A Quarter [Call Someone Who Cares] (Video)

Just in case the embedded disappears.

Now many of you may not remember payphones. They were very common back in the day. There are times when the perfect answer really is that they should call someone who cares. No one can take care of everyone. There are times when they have to hand them off to someone else. I have not heard it in ages and it made me smile today. I can share a song and I can call someone who cares.

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#3 Preaching to a Choir of Three

Yes, here I am preaching to a choir of three. I think that is how many people are reading, writing and interacting with me. I am so grateful for those three. This is the post that ANYONE can add a submission. The theme is things that we can do on Virily and how working smartly together is best for all. So join me and submit your thoughts right here.

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#4 Hit the road Jack!

sometimes that is exactly what I think about!

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12 Points

Written by Ghostwriter


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