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He is really trying to have some humor and hope. He ordered this today to wear to the hospital. This is a last ditch effort and we are all aware of it. If this makes he smile or make the choices that work best for him we are all excited for him to wear it. Whatever makes he more comfortable we are all about.
This journey is not going to be easy, and I hopeful we can all go through it knowing he made choices that worked best for him and we supported him as much as possible.
I hope and pray I will have more than happy memories.
I am wishing you the best of time ahead of your latest challenges in your life.
Thanks, hopefully he will have some fun with the shirt and it will lighten his load.
A positive view of life will beat the blues. I saw a medical report on the local newscast that had a medical expert saying that it is the mental attitude of the patient that determines success or failure in recovery.