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DAy #58 in the 365 Photos Challenge

The old and young…

I just liked the contrast of this, no other reason.. Hope you enjoy. 

This is my day number fifty eight! 

If you would like to join in and challenge yourself to a photo a day feel free to join in, no nomination or invitation required as you can see from the original post here at rules and guidelines.

Have a great day! 


What do you think?

14 Points

Written by Kim_Johnson


  1. Your photo is so clear, it makes every part of the picture easy to see. This is one of the best shots I have seen. You must have a great type of camera.

    • Thank you LaJenna, this little camera does really good. It is a fuji film finepix ax. My son and daughter in law won it as a door prize at a party, then gave it to me. Not bad for a freebie huh?

    • You are a fast worker, Albert, if you can create an idea in poetry in an hour. I work mostly in collaborative poetry, and occasionally an idea will come to me straight away, buy usually it takes at least an overnight to crystallise into something I could share 🙂

      • Really, Norman? I will spend a lot of time painting or draw an illustration and along the process, the idea of what will be written germinates, grows and spins in mind, but if an image or illustration is available it is usually easier to catch the impression, transform it to an idea and write it down. Perhaps something that is also time-consuming is to write it in rather correct English. Hehehe…

    • That is fast, Ive heard of song writers scribbling a song down during lunch etc. An hour is still fast. They must just flow… Thank you Albert. This shot was straight out of the camera. Uploading takes seconds, then about 3 minutes to post and write a paragraph or so.. Not much put into it, but the walks are really fun. : )

    • I take them in week increments. Meaning I take the dogs out for one good walk a week, and take enough to get me through the week. If not I do yard stuff, or macros and still life’s inside.
      I will be having a just for fun challenge soon, kind of like the color crazy but each week will be a different theme. This might give you some ideas.