
Clients who “Don’t Know”

Time and time again I come across clients who “don’t know” what they want but they want something like [this example].

What do you do with these clients? What do you tell them? How do you handle them?

These clients obviously need to learn how you can give them these things. Sometimes it’s a matter of saying, “Yes, I can do this, see here…” At other times these clients really need to have their hands held and the work you do becomes more like a teaching process. It’s at these times that you have to really wonder if the client is someone you want to have for the long hall or you want to find someone to replace them and swap them out. The answer to this is dependent on your workload and how much time you have available.

Just another part of the freelancing life for you to think about today…


What do you think?

Written by Brenda Marie H