
And Once Upon a Time – Part 9

I changed then. I was no longer Endless Love Dougie. I was Doug Bounce.

I’d find women I couldn’t love, women who amused me. Women easy to flop into bed. I’d give them a fake name, a few clever lines, get to their place. Have the night.

Maybe it if was good, I I’d get some idiot job and play the game. I didn’t need the money. Uncle Jackie had left me a small Trust Fund. Every month a sum was deposited in my checking account.

It wasn’t a lot but it was enough for a single guy to live on.

I’d never mentioned it to Zennie, any more than I had the boat. It wasn’t that I was hiding things. When we were together it was all Zennie all the time. I was interested in what she had to say, what she thought. We lived in the eyes of each other.

Now, after the divorce, yeah, I lived in the now. I would be here, in some city somewhere, with some gal, and when the wind blew, I’d be back on the boat, going somewhere else.

Free Wheelin’ D, that was me.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar