
Thank God for Work I Enjoy

I’m starting to realize what was making me so anxious and the fact that it makes me so anxious every time I do it really should make me stop thinking I can do it… I had a side hustle going on, totally legal, totally legit, but the clients are ruthless.

Thankfully, I don’t need that side hustle much anymore. I’m starting to pick up writing clients again – ones who actually pay quite well and whose work I truly enjoy, at least for the most part. I’ve also got another side hustle that while it doesn’t pay as well, still pays something and something is a lot better than nothing.

I’m just glad that my anxieties are done growing anxieties and I’m starting to find peace and enjoy life again. I’m a very creative person and need my outlets, especially with working and I’m blessed to have those. I know some people who don’t.


What do you think?

Written by Brenda Marie H