
Love ItLove It CuteCute WINWIN

Solo is not for everyone, but what is, didn’t do it for me. This does.

Whoever said “no man is an island unto himself” needed to come spend a winter on my personal planet…

I love my friends and mean no disrespect.It’s true of year ends, they feel more and reflect.An old issue trends of my time spends and its effect..and I’m a bold fish who tends to rhyme lends with objective retrospect.

They kindly insist I should not be alone,maybe minding this forest could be left to its’ own,and continue to persist, the snow’s known when weather’s grown can be a venue from Tethys and nose blowin’, frozen, nether zone.

Here’s where I fear, it comes down to perspective.a peerless atmosphere or clustered collective.Alone can be lonesome, in an abject electivebut, lonely should be only when we can’t be introspective.


What do you think?

18 Points

Written by Beada Beada


  1. You can be surrounded with people, with the world, and still be alone.
    I see nothing wrong with being alone. But sometimes the walls start
    to close in and that is when I make a change. Good to see your post.

    • Been there. Done that. Still have the cup and t shirt, somewhere. “I found no walls. I see no ceiling. No boundaries at all and my being is reeling. I answer the call of my own spirit squealing and transfer to scrawl, in rhymed bits, how it’s feeling”. You sound very wise good swimmer. Thank you. As ever, a pleasure… I can’t help it….SpLaSh! wiggle n’ grin…>-=^;>

    • I was born and raised in the high desert. Never new snow. Didn’t know Fall, Spring or forests. Now, I wouldn’t trade for an topical island, mountaintop chalet or Saturn…#Snowmogul

  2. What in the world is all that white stuff? Too many fish bubbles all in one spot… This is never good. Nice chair and pelt though to go with your friend on the chair. Did you bend that wood yourself? Great shots, although I wouldnt want to be there.. Is the thermometer broken? lol I have never felt that kind of cold ever. I have felt 10 degrees, but 24 below is very extreme.

    • Old scales. Quite an accumulation. Hey! There’s no such thing as “Too many bubbles”! Bubbles are my mainstay.
      Pelt is Red Fox. I have done stick furniture, though not this one. Bending saplings is easy, steam bending thicker pieces is an art.
      It’s not for everyone. But, I cannot return to the desert now. I’ve been “seasoned”. Ha! “Is the thermometer broken?” No, grin, moving pretty slow but, still working. Got a meltdown now, nearly 40.
      Um, extreme? I’ve seen -40. This is when nostrils, eyelashes and soap bubbles freeze instantly. I know bubbles! And Brrr.

      • lol too many scales. Yes it is quite an accumulation, ew. Imagine trying to walk on those.
        Red Fox, I’ve heard of him! Went to Vegas one time to see him.
        We had an old guy down the road that used to make furniture just like that. It was amazing stuff, and yeah, really true works of art. He used all different kind of local wood.
        40 is a warm up for you, drips dripping.. Have a great day!

        • Oh, I imagine walking all the time. Grin. “Would I trade? You bet and yes please! Always wondered of legs and currents in the breeze. I could motorbike, roller blade, test out skinned knees
          and give wiggling debate to contest how fish can’t climb trees!”
          Oh boy, do I smell A Kims’ joke of the day? Grin. One day I’ll pull the plug on Beada and open an Etsy account for my furniture. Just too much right now. Over extended starfish appendage, I can’t get here once a week, and they pay! Thank you, glimmering swimmer, and happy new now to you, and later too!

          • You have to share it with the world, what better way. Get it on there. Once a week will have to do for now, its always a pleasure when I see a comment from you. Smiles!
