
The Road Less Travelled

It’s been a long few days, I’ve been doing a lot of reading to keep my mind off thons. Thursday my niece lost her Grandfather as I mentioned, she was close to him so obviously it was hard. But this isn’t about that, or perhaps it is impart because it does impact life.  As I said before I read a lot and one of my favorite poems is Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken. Whenever I travel on the tree lined roads up to Twain Harte (Only a few miles from where I live.) I can’t help but to think about that poem.

And of course Little Miss keeps us busy and entertained. I call this one Silly Selfie gone wrong for obvious reasons lol. This was taken just the night before we learned of Amber’s Grandfather’s death. And finally I want to remind you all that You Are All Amazing Just the Way You Are.

Until Next Time



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