
The Real Man I Know

According to the Webster Dictionary, man is a human being who shows the qualities that men traditionally are supposed to have.

A friend of mine told me one day, “I am a proud homosexual, I prefer to myself as a lady but I do not forget the man inside me.” I want to make the story of whom the real man in this world, which I saw in my gay friend.

In this era, there are adverse definitions of becoming a man like a person who is selfish enough to meet his own desires. For me, the essence of a man is drastically diminished through time. Let us refresh our mind on the true chi of a man.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>

A real man is defined through his dignity and principle.

We need a man who does not easily give up his principles in life, a man who is capable of deciding directly and stands up for it.

The father of my friend told him one time that whatever his son does that makes him happy would be his happiness too. That time my friend totally accepted who he is and shows off to the world.

A real man should be true to his friends in adversity as well as in prosperity, which is what I saw in him.

In this early 20’s of my existence, I have experienced misfortunes and difficulties. I have observed that those who stand behind me during these times are my real friends, which include my gay friend, who in fact the real man I should say.

A real man does not hesitate to take chances.

Even if he falls and fails hundreds of times, he does not lose hope. His principle goes this way, “when I drown, there is no other way but to go up. Stand, take the risk, and do not hesitate to take chances for it is where you met success.” The fact is, if a real man wants to fulfill his dreams, definitely, he take challenges and tries to the best of his ability.

A real man admits that he committed a mistake.

When he makes mistakes, he immediately recognized it and apologizes for it. He even makes efforts to make up for his mistakes.

Now, did you already meet the real man of your life? The real man that always do the best for the sake of friendship and family?


What do you think?


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  1. It would be very subjective if I said that I was a real man. On principle, every human must have principle as his/her personal compass. And of course, the principles must be true, because principles and values ​​are not the same. As a leader and in leading, that’s the destiny outlined for men in this masculine world, especially in families, men or fathers should formulate the family principle together and agree on it together. Become a common principle. All aspects of life should be incorporated for reference and implemented consistently accordingly. All aspects mean how we behave towards spouses, friends, enemies, property, spirituality, the joy of life and others. All family members are responsible for it, and parents, especially fathers, have to set an example, build trust, understand, encourage, support, and especially facilitate a loving family climate and peace.

    Imagine if a guest came, then went into the living room and saw a beautiful poster on the wall that read, “This is our home, there is only Love in this home “.

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