
Pit Children – part 28

To learn that Neville’s second wife had not merely gotten a restraining order against him, to keep him from her and her children, but another against Paul and John,  confirmed something Sandra had been feeling.

Sandra tried to unravel how the children she had with Neville could have turned into the predators they were today.

In emails with Neville she tried to discover if anything had happened while they lived with him and Zel, but he never revealed anything.

Sandra contacted P & J.   Phone calls became psychodramas where they retold reality, cutting and pasting and inventing.

Instead of trying to forge a relationship with her, they strove to push her away.  When she sent the an ecard for their birthdays, they boxed it away.

John wrote a virtual thesis on how pointless an ecard was.

Sandra realised that Paul and John would never disturb their gut held opinion that she had abandoned them.  They wanted to be the pitiful abandoned babies.

So, she stopped trying.

She had a life.  A husband, a child, a job, friends, involvements.  There was no reason to subject herself to their world view.

Whether they intended it or not,  P & J did get their mother to abandon them.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar