
Pit Children – part 19

When Paul and John  arrived at the house of their mother and step father they behaved as such sweet boys.

Once they had gotten a certain inclusion, they began to work their evil on Julie, their half sister.

Julie was not very bright.  Although she attended good schools and had access to educational materials, she was not capable of exercising the kind of judgment necessary.

As Paul and John needed her to love and believe in them, they gave their best performance ever.  They behaved as if they loved Julie more than life, that she was important to them.    Once she believed them, they would turn her against their mother.

It might seem impossible that two scarcely known half brothers could so quickly turn a child against her parents, but these were pit brothers.  These were people who tailored their every breath into twisting the truth, manipulating those in their ambit.

They strove to make their victim question, at the very least, resent at the most.

Unlike normal people, P & J focused on one thing, that is turning Julie against her mother.   Nothing else existed.   Every breath they took,from the moment they woke until they went to bed, was designed to make Julie seem the centre of their universe.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar