
Pit Children – part 14

When Olga took Paul and John, she decided she would not give them up.  Two years later, when Sandra, the mother of Paul and John came for them, Olga talked her out of taking them. She encouraged Sandra to focus on herself, her career.

Olga tried to dissuade her son,  Neville, when he came to collect his children.  He ignored her and took them.

He took them to live with his second wife and their children.

Zel,  Neville’s second wife,  realised they were toxic, and kept them from her children.

It had caused dissension in the marriage.   Then, Neville realised that  P & J were turning his children against him,  he began to send them to Olga every vacation and some long weekends.

What was significant,  is that on divorce, Zel included Paul and John in the retraining order she got against Neville.

Paul and John were returned to their Grandmother, Olga.

Had Neville not tried to use Paul and John against their mother, Sandra, perhaps he would have  been more alert.

Neville saw them as a chain on Sandra’s foot, and learning she wanted, he took them.   As long as he had them there was no child support to pay.

Neville didn’t realise that his sons were just as abusive and manipulative as he was..


What do you think?

Written by jaylar