

This is an acronym of Mind Your Own Business. It is usually said with an angry curl to a lip. But, it can be excellent advice.

For example, suppose you were staying at a  dorm. There were girls there who used rooms they didn’t pay for, captured the lounge furniture for private use.

As the Matron is a bed ridden old hag, do you stride down the corridor to ‘report’ the girls or do you, MYOB?

In many businesses, wise bosses make ‘friends’ with employees and give them little benefits, so that they would feel ‘obliged’ to inform on co-workers. As most bosses aren’t wise, they don’t do this.

So, the employee who sees stealing or some other action, gets up and goes outside for a smoke, or to the bathroom, or, calls in sick.

Taking MYOB seriously is a way to a peaceful life..

Snitches are never much liked.

And to gain nothing from one’s snitching? Nah!  MYOB!!!


What do you think?

Written by jaylar