
Love and hate go hand in hand. What do you think?

The world has both love and hatred. These two feelings are fundamentally different, such as changing the day with the night. Everyone would prefer love to hatred, because everyone wants to be happy.

Without love, the world will be stuck with darkness and cold. Everyone must feel and give love. If there is no love that is experienced among the parents, we will not exist to each of us today. Love and love are two identical feelings. There are many kinds of affection. Love is tested for the person you want to share the rest of your life with. Another kind of love is motherly. The love a mother has to her child while she is in her womb is very strong and great. The love that children have to their parents is also very great. I can not imagine what my life would have without my father.

Love – grace or the sweetest evil? This is a question that everyone should be able to answer. Some people have a grace, because they bring only good and happy moments. In others, it is the sweetest evil, because love brings them some sadness and disappointment. Many years ago, Shakespeare has said that loving is to be made of tears and sighs, of flame and fidelity, as long as you become a “pile of ash.”

Hate is a feeling of strong enmity and mischief. It is expressed in many different ways. The first love of a person remains “sealed” in his mind and often is the first hatred. Hate because this person has caused you some pain. Everyone who loves real, sooner or later hurts. In the narrative of Nikolay Haytov “Dervish seed”, the love between Ramadan and Silvin is clearly noted. Where there is a horn, there is also hatred. In the narrative, the protagonist had a strong love for Silvina and an insurmountable hatred for her new husband. Because of his great love for Silvin, he is forced to be the servant of his most hated man. Why should the world have hatred? Perhaps because if she had no hatred and love would disappear. Without love, the world would not be what it is today.

Everyone wants to idealize and not hate, but love and hate go hand in hand. Love and hate are an eternal and inexhaustible subject.

© 2017 -Elenka Smilenova  All Rights Reserved


What do you think?

10 Points

Written by lacho59


  1. Whether you love or hate someone, you feel strongly about them and they’re probably always on your mind; either way they’ll drive you crazy so the two emotions have a lot in common…

  2. Your article is well presented, Elenka, although I’m no sure I agree with all of your points. It’s important for us all to hear opinions that differ from our own 🙂