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Kim Johnson: I Want To Go hiking

Kim Johnson has inspired me to train for the hiking experience. Here is the link to her latest inspiring post that has me motivated to get fit, and try hiking for myself.   Kim Jonson’s post! Please check out her post, and come along and try hiking for yourself as well.

I need to get fit for more reasons than one. Kim Johnson’s post inspired me to become physically and mentally fit. I have things weighing on my heart, and I need something to help my body and soul, and this experience will do just that. Thank you Kim Johnson!

Here is the picture i drew of Kim Johnson awhile back. This is suppose to look like her profile pick, where she was squinting due to the sun in her eyes.


Credit Image-LaJenna-editing effect from Photomania


What do you think?

Written by LaJenna


  1. Wow! Nice drawing! Similarities to the real Kim is evident. Hiking is good exercise in a good weather. If it is raining, I would prefer biking especially if it is cold. Yoga should be done before a meal or after a meal has been properly digested. Good luck La Jenna! ??

  2. I remember this picture. I have it saved! Thank you for this wonderful post. It means so much to me to know I have inspired you. I promise you will feel better! Anything I can do to help, just let me know. 😉 You go girl!!

      • I know nothing really about yoga. I do know it strengthens the core, makes you limber, good exercise. I would think you should wait after a meal for any physical activity. On a hike we usually take an hour for lunch, then head out again. Not sure if it matters or not. I just like taking breaks. 🙂