
Ice Cream Truck

Who remembers the ice cream truck or more commonly known as the ice cream man?  You know the truck that plays the music that almost makes you dizzy when you hear coming down the street.  This seems to be a treat of summertime. I always remembered my favorite were fudgsicles or firework popsicles, the red, while and blue ones.  I did not have an ice cream man when I was little unless I was visiting friends in town, but when I became older for some reason the ice cream man decided to come down the road where I lived a few times.  The only thing was why does the ice cream man or woman have to be so expensive when they know their customers are usually children and yet I hope there are some adults who like to treat sometimes for themselves and a few children.  I remember doing this with my first niece and my nephew when they were four and two and they would take off out the door and before I even said the word ice.

Whenever I hear the ice cream man coming I remember the little song or ditty I heard on an old cartoon and from my mom and dad.

Ice cream, ice cream

We all scream for ice cream.


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Written by 1Mark

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