
Country Girl – part 18

Dottie and Phil decided to wander over to Martha’s shop to tell Zelda her mother had called.

When they entered, it was Martha and a new girl she was training.

“What happened to….” Dottie  asked without precursor.

Martha, as if expecting Dottie’s question, answered;

“I don’t know…I honestly don’t know.  I thought things were working out, and I was happy, and then the money seemed short.   At first I assumed a drop in business, but it stayed short, so I thought to come by and help out.  As soon as I walked in she gave me this look…”

Martha imitated the sidelong glare.

“Zelda was so cold and sharp to me, and I knew she must have been stealing and was angry I was there…”

Martha stopped talking to deal with a customer then returned.

“Then she began shouting at me, and I had to fire her.  I don’t know where she went.”

“Oh dear.  Her mother will call you…”

“I can’t tell her any more than I told you.  Zelda just left.”


What do you think?

Written by jaylar