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Brenda's Helpful Suggestions: How To Come Out Of Your Shell

My sister Brenda designed this photo with PhotoMania effects in dedication for how much she loved her son after his death.

As many of you know my sister lost her son 9 month ago. Now, she is coming out of her shell. She has even started going to a counseling talk your feeling out group. She never would do this type of thing. I knew I could not force her, but I kept encouraging her. One day she said she would go, but not say anything, but she did talk her feeling out, and even suggested ways to help others. Her counselor was proud of her, and her family is proud of her as well.

Brenda wants to dedicate her healing process to her son John’s memory. She is working hard at finding her purpose in life. Many trials happen in our lives, and we need to learn how to heal from them, and then teach others to do the same.

Brenda’s suggestion for the day

Admit you are having problems, and do not shy away from them.  Don’t put your head into the sand like an ostrich. It is time to enjoy life! Take a walk, or do some exercise, and find out that you will feel at peace when your thinking quietly and listening to the birds. Then, give all your problems to God, and be a witness to others.


Image Credit-LaJenna


What do you think?

Written by LaJenna


  1. This is it. This is what life is all about. It is full of woes and worries and God is the last resort to solving all kinds of problems in life. I know and it is my testimony that God helps those who help themselves.