
And Comes the Fourth Generation – 29

The next day Joe picked up Don who was hungry. They stopped for brunch before going to the hospital.

Selma was awake and somewhat coherent, and after speaking to her for about ten minutes, Don went to find the doctor.

He listened to the official report, then asked if Selma could be looked after at home by practical nurses.

The doctor, realising that neither Don nor Joe would pay for expensive treatment, and were likely to disappear and leave them with the bill, agreed.

“We can release her day after tomorrow, if everything stays the same.” the Doctor said.

“Great.” Don replied, then went to tell his nephew.

It was clear they were agreed.  Let Selma die in the bed at Miriam House.  It would be cheaper.

The nurses would make a hole in their pocket, but Selma had to have something they could sell to repay themselves for the nurses and medication.

They left, stopped for another meal, then Joe dropped Don at Miriam House,and went home to speak with his wife.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar