
A Full-Blown Dream with Goals

Dreams are important in life. Goals are precious, too. For without these things our lives would never have vision. But even though you are full of things, success would be far away without God. Trust God in all things you do, commit all your plans and let him hold it for you. It will surely believe that you will be successful.

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Dreaming is for free and can be treasured. It was a gift from God that makes humans have a real purpose in life. Big or small dreams can bring something different to people. That’s the reason why some people are full-blown motivated to reach the greatest dream in life. It wasn’t because we need to be somebody in the society but to acknowledge that there is something there for us.

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Some people forget the spiritual feelings from God because they were blinded by fame and power. The worst part, they even claim to be powerful next to our dear God. It blows your mind off seeing to portray things in the eyes of people. Behaviors had changed into worst for not being satisfied with anything. It doesn’t stop them to ask more and takes all the advantages of something.

Fame and power will not always stay forever. You are lucky if able to sustain it. For some people who are not, they will suddenly remember God for being a failure and lose everything. That’s the problem. They forget God because of drowning to fame and power. We cannot conceal the truth because it still exists from decade to another decade. It is even becoming worse to worst ever. Pray to all gods and saints for being in misery after wasting the available resources. If we don’t want to feel desperate, we still need to remember God and put him in the middle of everything in life.


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Written by Steven Gamboa