
Respect Of Teachers

Teacher’s are great asset for our society. The nation who respect their teachers are successful. Teacher is person who tell us which is the right way for us. He understands his students interest their thinking etc. According to the taste of student he guides them. Only a teacher tells us which way is leads to our success. A person who is successful in his life because he has a good teacher.

The nation who give respect to their teachers are great nations. I appreciate those nations who respect their teachers. I also look these more successive. In European countries and American nation respect their teachers they more successful.


What do you think?

Written by ZainAhsaan

One Comment

  1. Very, very good article! I’m a teacher and I know what you’re talking about. I especially like this sentence: The nation who respect their teachers are successful. I thing this is true. And now I understand some things about my country.
