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I Need to Make One More Lucet

Lucets are so cool that I am spreading the word about them, and making some for some friends. Most lucets you see online do not have faces. Most of my lucets are cats. One friend wants one with a puppy face. That will be my next project. When I get home next month we will all sit down and make bracelets.

I did make the bracelet in the photo today, and although it is plain (no crystals or gemstones, nothing carved on the wooden beads) at least it opens and closes properly. I wove it on the bottom lucet pictured here with F, LT, LT, E inscribed on the handle. That stands for “Feed, Loop/Tighten, Loop/Tighten, Even” which is a cheat sheet for how to make the cord. Now that I have that all figured out, someone has posted an article showing how to make square braid on a knitting knobby, which is supposedly easier to learn than a lucet.

On the right are parts ready to assemble for a tapestry loom. The first loom I made has nails for the warp, but this one has cuts made with my 4″ table saw. If you missed My Kind of Saw you can use this link. The table saw cost less than it would have cost to buy a loom like this.

All of the wood in this photo came from scrap lumber except for the bottom lucet with the purple eyes. I carved it from basswood that was on sale at the local hobby store. The basswood was much easier to cut, but doesn’t have the character of the repurposed wood. I tried to make it a little crooked to add character.


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Written by Ann Hartley