
Heritage Roof Restoration – 5 Things You Should Know

Restoring a roof can be a pretty difficult job. Consider the fact that doing this job on a heritage building is even more of a challenge. You need a lot of expertise in the field in order to be allowed to get near a restoration project. The roof is one of the most important parts of the building. It protects the interior from the elements and without it, the building could be in a lot of trouble.

1. How to assess a roof

Before you can make any repairs, you have to take a good look at the building’s roof in order to figure out what kind of damage you’re dealing with. Older buildings have completely different problems due to the era they were constructed in. You are dealing with a variety of structural differences that may pose a problem when it comes to repairs.

A good place to start is with a proper visual assessment. If you meticulously look through each section of the roof, you might be able to spot the key issues that need fixing. Perhaps some tiles appear cracked or they’ve gone missing. Areas that are faded or excessively dirty present a clear sign that something is wrong. A well-functioning roof doesn’t randomly accumulate dirt. Keep an eye out for signs of water damage as well.

2. Check local guidelines

Fixing up a heritage building isn’t quite as simple as dealing with any regular old building. There are guidelines and regulations in place that determine when and how you can commence restoration. It would be a good idea to check in with your local council in order to find out what you’re allowed to do and how you can proceed from that point on. Some local councils have restrictions that you need to adhere to if you plan on restoring the roof.

Check in with the NSW heritage office every once in a while, in order to get a good grasp on the different things you’re allowed to modify. They have a guide that can come in handy.

3. Act fast

You can’t stand idle while a building such as this is damaged. Repairing it should be done as soon as possible. You can’t predict what kind of issues might stem from a damaged roof. Delaying it guarantees that something will go wrong. If you are hit with bad weather conditions that make repairs impossible, the effects could be much worse than you can imagine.

A faulty roof could lead to a lot of internal damage in the form of leaks and water damage. Heritage buildings are especially delicate because the materials within them probably weren’t designed with a lot of water damage in mind. Their roofs were meant to last quite a while which is why their damage has to be repaired quickly.

4. Focus on aesthetics

Just because a building is old doesn’t mean you can just fix it without giving it the attention it deserves. Aesthetics play an important part in heritage restorations. The local people don’t just want the building to be functional, but it should also stay as attractive as it once was.

The materials you use for the restoration have to be appropriate. You can’t just use any kind of tile material for the roof. You should aim to use authentic heritage tiles in order to give the building a historically accurate renovation. Using any other material might take away from its historical value.

5. Work with experienced professionals

In order to properly repair a heritage building, you’re going to want to be well prepared. You can’t just hire any kind of roof specialist and expect them to know details about a two-hundred-year-old building. It’s imperative that you find individuals that specialize in the heritage restoration business.

Different techniques are used when repairing these kinds of buildings. Without a full understanding of the undertaking, you could end up doing a significant amount of damage to the building or it could lose some of its authentic charms.


If you want to ensure the longevity of a heritage building, repairs are a costly but crucial measure. Keep in mind that without the necessary expertise that goes with heritage roof repair, you shouldn’t be making any significant changes to the building. The good news is that there are a lot of experienced heritage roof specialists out there that can help you restore the roof to its former glory.


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Written by Emily Wilson

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