
6 Tips to Prevent Mold Around Your Home

Mold can be beneficial in making penicillin and also for the decomposition of organic matter in nature. However, it can be bad when it grows undetected in your home. The problem is mold spores spread easily and fast, and it is not easy to eradicate. Some of the places that you can find mold are on the carpet, food, leaking pipes, above ceiling tiles, and also on clothing as it grows anywhere. So, if you notice that you have a mold issue, it is best to contact a mold inspection New York service team before it gets worse and compromises your health. The main way to control mold is by controlling moisture. Here are tips to prevent mold in your home. 

  1. Identify and correct problem areas

It is easy to make your home mold resistant even though you cannot mold proof it. Check through your home and find out what the problem areas could be. For instance, is there a persistent leak from the ceiling? Does the basement flood? These, among others, could be the reason you have mold. Thus, using mold-resistant products, removing the carpet from the damp basement, and lower humidity levels, among others, will be helpful. No matter what the problem could be, correct the problem areas once you find them. 

  1. Ensure proper ventilation to prevent moisture
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Sometimes domestic activities could be encouraging the growth of mold in the home. Because of this, ensure activities as simple as taking a shower, cooking dinner, and others that cause high moisture do not encourage mold growth by ensuring there is proper ventilation in these areas. Also, vent appliances like stoves, clothing dryers have them to the outside and not facing the attic. More importantly, if you use dehumidifiers where your climates are humid, ensure that they do not produce moisture themselves and clean and maintain them as directed by the manufacturer. Therefore, open windows when cooking, taking a shower, running an exhaust fan, or washing dishes. 

  1. Monitor indoor humidity levels 

The recommended humidity levels are between 40 and 60 percent. In case you notice some mold problem areas in your home, your humidity levels may be high. So it is important to monitor the humidity levels in your home if you can see the tell-tale signs, for instance, condensation on walls, pipes, and windows. In case you notice this, dry the surface immediately and address the source of moisture. 

  1. Dry off wet areas immediately
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By tackling wet areas, the right way, you will prevent mold as it cannot grow without moisture. This includes accumulation from a leaky pipe, seepage into the basement after heavy rainfall, a spill on the carpet, which you should dry off within 24 hours. In case you had a flood to your home, you have to get everything dry, and if it is a challenge to get them completely dry. Remove the bedding, water damaged carpets, and furniture. Additionally, other everyday occurrences need your attention, like drying the floor and walls after a shower, not leaving wet items lying around, do not leave wet clothes in the washing machine. Through this, you prevent mold in your home. 

  1. Use mold-resistant products 

To prevent mold, you can also equip your home with mold-resistant products. Use them when you are renovating an old home or building a new one. There are many types that you can choose from, and you can contact your local hardware to get directives on how to use them. Also, you can call a mold expert who will do it professionally for you. This is important as they will ensure that they inspect the home for any mold first before using the products. Use these mold products in your home and prevent mold in your home. 

  1. Repair and clean roof gutters
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Sometimes mold becomes an issue because of a simple matter of a roof that is leaking as the gutters are full and damaged. Thus, have your roof gutters cleaned regularly and check for any damage that they might have. If you repair them as necessary and inspect for any water stains that could indicate a leak after a storm. It is one way to prevent any mold around your home. 


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Written by Virily Editor

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