

A short guide on what to remember when applying a grout sealer

Homes are an important part of our lives. Big or small, neat or untidy, organized or in disarray, a home is a home. Taking care of our home is equivalent to taking care of our health. The better we take care of our house, the better we can take care of ourselves. Making of the house requires attention to details, protection for the areas that are vulnerable to getting damaged and regular maintenance and care. Floors and walls make the home. These parts of the house get depreciated more quickly than the other parts, owing to the high frequency of usage, especially when it comes to bathroom and kitchen floors and walls. Stains, growth of mildew and mold, discoloration and dirt accumulating in the grouts are a common problem for the crevices, junctures, joints, and cracks on the walls and floors. The simple solution for this problem is a grout sealer.

How does grout sealer work?

A grout sealer penetrates through the cracks and mixes with the grout to make it non-porous or forms a layer above the grout so as not to allow water or other liquids to enter in the gaps. If your tiles are made up of porous materials such as natural stones or marbles, then sealers are a must. If the grouts are water-resistant or high-performance grouts, then you can rule out the need of grout sealers. But, otherwise, if you don’t want your floor or walls to develop food or liquid stains or mildew, grout sealing and resealing is recommended every six months. Just spray some water and see if it gets absorbed at the cracks or joints. If yes, then you need to seal them immediately.

Points to note 

Let’s note some important points that need to be kept in mind, which we often tend to overlook.

  • Before applying the grout sealer, ensure the grout is cleaned and thoroughly dried. Also, ensure that the grout doesn’t have any cracks or isn’t damaged otherwise. If yes, then repair the grout first, wait for about 2 to 3 days and then apply the sealer. Before you apply the sealer, cover up the bottom part of the wardrobes, cupboards, immovable furniture and other décor items, to avoid getting them stained. If during the application process, the sealer gets on the floor, wipe it immediately with a wet piece of cloth.
  • If you are using spraying sealer, be extra cautious of the sealer getting on the tiles. Although it’s quite easy and convenient than to paint or using a roller, the spraying process requires more time to wipe off the sealer that comes on the tiles. Also, it is advisable to follow a pattern of application. This reduces the chance of missing out on any part of the grout.
  • While sealing, it is important to check the temperature. If it is a bright and hot day or if it’s a very cold one, avoid applying sealers, as it gets dried up on the tile surface quite quickly. Also, avoid applying it in direct sunlight. During peal summers, choose the cooler part of the day for application.

This grout sealer along with a constant check on the wear and tear of your floor and walls form the right combination for a happy house!


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Written by Eric Reyes

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