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Why Yogurt Might Not Be Good For Your Health

Yogurt is a good meal that people like to eat while travelling, on picnics or at home. While many have viewed it as a nutritious food, there are many reasons why it isn’t that good.

Yogurt may be the number one food that causes obesity in many users. Yogurt happens to have too much sugar. A normal human being needs just one teaspoon of sugar. Yogurt happens to have more than necessary. Also some yogurt makers use icing sugar which is more health risk than ordinary sugar or brown sugar.

Though yogurt comes in different enticing colors and flavors, it might not be good as such. Some yogurts are not made from milk. Mostly corn is used in such yogurts. Corn contains much starch than milk and therefore is the much cause of obesity.

Do you feed your children with yogurt? Do you also enjoy taking it? Yes, it is sweet. Yet, weigh the pros and cons before you consume mug after mug of yogurt.

If you must make yogurt then do it at home. Home made yogurt may lower the sugar and use no corn. Flavors also can be checked. You can make sugarless and flavorless yogurt which is very healthy.

However, this should not deter you from the yogurt. Just know the right quantity to take.


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Written by stbrians


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