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Cereals are a great meal for breakfast

In the morning is the level of insulin, i.e. its secretion, the most active and then our metabolism is the strongest. A quality breakfast should contain proteins, fats and complex sugars (ceryllium, integral bread, etc.). The ideal time for this most important meal is up to 11h, more precisely no later than 2h after awakening. Then the best use of nutrients is.

Cereals are nutritionally valuable foods. Complex carbohydrates are an integral part of cereals. Carbohydrates from integral cereals slowly dissolve, slowly raising blood sugar, leading to a constant energy intake. They also contain proteins. Products of integral grain cereal are rich in dietary fibers, which stimulate the operation of the gut. The fat content is minimal and saturated fatty acids are not present. Whole grains are far more useful than processed, due to the abundance of vitamin B groups in its composition. Eating cereal every day is good for my body. For me, it’s a great meal for breakfast!


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Written by marija64


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