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Best Foods For People Over 50

The worldwide web is loaded with all kinds of information, misinformation, errors, mistakes and plain old lies. But most of us know that we can’t believe everything we read as the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. We also know when some things we read sound sensible or reasonable and other things sound outrageous!

Here is a quick list of anti-aging foods recommended for people age 50 and older.

  1. Green Leafy Vegetables
  2. Kefir or Yogurt
  3. Whey Protein
  4. Wild-Caught Seafood
  5. Berries
  6. Olive Oil
  7. Dark Chocolate (the darker, the better)

I am of the opinion that this food list sounds sensible and reasonable. I am in the 50+ group. While I don’t disagree with the advice, numbers 3 and 4 are not a regular part of my diet. Number 4 (wild-caught seafood) is too expensive, and I would prefer to consult a medical professional before trying number 3 (whey protein). The rest of the foods were already in my diet before I even crossed the half a century mark.

What about you?

Regardless of your age, are any, some or all of these foods a regular part of your diet?

Do you have a “special food” that is your secret anti-aging weapon?  If so, share your secret.



What do you think?

15 Points


  1. Hi cmoneyspinner, I was taught from childhood to eat the dark leafy greens and did it out of duty, but now I like them and whenever possible grow my own even if it is just from cuttings on the window ledge. I currently have herbs, leeks, and kohlrabi greens growing in glasses of water in my kitchen. I am pretty sure people should not wait until they are 50 to start eating nutritious food!

    • Hi tiada, I make kefir at home and kefir cheese (labne). Good luck when you make it, it is pretty easy and wonderful to use in baking, although I also bake with kombucha.

  2. What a great idea! Love all apart from the whey protein and I KNOW I eat far too little of the first – no wonder I have diverticulosis! Far prefer fruit to veggies. Eat the occasional lettuce leaf (tortoise food)…