
10 steps for making falafel sandwich

Saturday, October 5, 2019

For fun, I checked out a video to make a falafel sandwich.

  1. Soak dry chickpeas overnight.
  2. Drain and rinse the chickpeas.
  3. Ground the chickpeas in a food processor.
  4. Place inside a bowl. 
  5. Add chopped small onion, 5 -6 cloves of garlic, and some parsley inside food processor.
  6. Then, placed mixed ingredients into the bowl. Add 1 tbsp Coriander, 2 tbsp of cumin, 2 tsp of salt, 2 tbsp of flour, and mix well. Add 1.2 tsp of baking soda. Mix well.
  7. 4-5 cups of oil in pot, on medium heat. Make falafel balls and place in pot. Fry until browned.
  8. When falafels are browned, spoon out and place in a separate bowl.
  9. Make a salad with onion, cucumber, tomato, and lettuce. Chop veggies and place in separate bowl or Tupperware. Add some salt and olive oil. Toss veggies.
  10. Open a pita bread, add falafels and salad, and top with tahini. This sandwich looks good.


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