
Check out Your Availability Before Making Decisions

This video is interesting because I have some secondhand items, most from family or people I know, because I like playing with different clothes and make vintage items look current and fashionable. And, sometimes, I like creating my own style with different vintage items that I already have. I rarely shop for secondhand items, unless I am searching for something that I really want or need, but I cannot find it in stores. So, I start checking out used items in Thrift Stores, Garage Sales, or Amazon.

But the woman in this video is totally into vintage, secondhand shopping, and she has interesting and organized ideas. I am not that into vintage shopping. I just like checking out my options before I make a decision in order to see the availability.

I own a lot of fake designer products, and I like to make them look real and cool, by mixing and matching them with one or two actual authentic items I own.

I agree that before you go shopping anywhere, it is important to know your personal fashion style and what you actually like to wear. In this video, the woman is Scandinavian, and she prefers a minimalism style, like the IKEA store.  Knowing the style and colors you prefer will help you save money by not buying unnecessary items that you don’t really want or need, but you just liked the appearance. Or, sometimes, you might buy something you loved because of a beautiful color or style, and then realize when you arrive home that it doesn’t go with anything you own, which will make you feel stuck.


What do you think?