
Love ItLove It

Wind blew water the sky cried why a good hero need not Die

Wind blew water

The sky cried Why

the Spirit of Man

near Dead

Meanness & Greed

Dead Ahead

One little Leaf

Said I Believe

& woke up the Dead

Music blustered a Note

A kind deed was Done

& Woke up the Sun


Joy whispered to Hope

Can you climb the Rope

A poet Nearby

flew out of Bed

The poet cried

Send a brave Hero

Woman or Man

Let them tell us

only truth will

Stretch the Sky

Be great and live

no need to Die


What do you think?

Written by Johndavisnearby

POEMS from Earth:
Scot Irish Czech BARD Hush little Humans-Don't U CRY Earth sings U a Lullaby Born HOUSTN TX Age 80 GEM Pic1985 Rear Apt 2227 South ST