

The Missing Mysterious 21 Minutes in Eyes Wide Shut

The missing 21 minutes in Eyes Wide Shut was actually deleted by the industry because it exposes too much. I was wondering what was deleted from the movie, although I thought the whole movie was creepy and weird, similar to Heath Ledger’s movie. This video explains these mysteriously deleted 21 minutes. Tom and Nicole’s characters are a part of the ritual ceremony, where people in red cloak and hood surround them in a circular form. And, the leader of the cult is involved in the ceremony, where the couple take off their clothes to perform sexual acts and sex trafficking for career growth.

And, don’t forget that young actress, Leelee was in the movie, where she played a child prostitute hitting on the Tom Cruise character all the time throughout the movie. So, the movie also had to do with child trafficking. I remember a scene where she was under a table with two Asian businessmen. (These scenes weren’t deleted because I actually remember watching them, and I was thinking to myself at the time, what the fuck was going on because that was before I started researching all this sick crap.


What do you think?


  1. I have just read the novel that inspired Stanley Kubrick to make Eyes Wide Shut and I have just written an article about it for Virily. There were two versions of the movie, one for Europe and the other for America that contained less minutes and less naked scenes.
