
Love ItLove It

Daylight Savings Time 2020

Sunday, 3.8.20

I woke up to a beautiful Sunday morning. After eating my breakfast, I decided to go to Trader Joes. I noticed the microwave time was 11 am, but the TV box time had 12 noon. I suddenly remembered I needed to change the clocks in my home and cars. The TV and computer times automatically changes. 

Then, at 4 pm, I decided to go for a bike ride. It was nice weather, but a little breezy. I rode across the street, around the UTC, and then into the UTC area, where I just hung out for a while people-watching. I decided to take a snapshot of a cute mallard duck, who was posing for iPhone papparazzi, but enjoying the attention. I think it was hungry. I wish I had some birdseeds with me. I rode back to my townhouse, but I took a different route, into the complex and around the pool, adjacent to the tennis courts, and I rode through the odd section townhomes, coming out towards the even section townhomes and to my place. 

Since my iPhone doesn’t count cycling, I am guessing I rode around 2 miles.


What do you think?


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