<a href="https://medium.com/@JarrieBradshaw/swiping-a-right-in-a-hopeless-place-online-dating-8dbc7284ee35" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
Nora was sitting in her silent state in a wheel chair, in a bright and sunny room. It was the usual therapy session where some psycho-analyst was to get her to talk
She was sitting there, looking out of the window when another women began to speak. Began to tell her story. Her story, which was Nora’s story.
“My husband Bob was so perfect, I thought I dreamed him. He was everything I could have imagined. We married, and I gave birth to three sons in quick succession. My life was perfect. And then, it was gone.”
Nora screamed. The first sound they had heard escape her lips.
“That’s my story! That’s my story! I had a perfect husband, a perfect marriage, three sons, a perfect life, then, gone!” She rasped with a voice that had not been used for so long.
The woman looked at her, and in that minute they linked. They heard nothing else. Not the voice of the therapist, not that of the other women. They rolled their chairs out of the room, and began to talk.
“I’m Nicole Bailey, where did you meet your husband?” she asked, cautiously.
“I met him through Perfect Partner….” Nora said.