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Street Photography: People of the City

Always amazing! This photographer and his photostream of albums. He explores themes from his inner photographic essence and brilliance in capturing time and space.  His photographs define his artistic eye for detail through the lens of his digital SLR.

For every brief moment, standing among thousands of people, it looks as though his captures will change the world. The individuals, the natural light, linear perspectives, the shadows and shadings, people’s expressions, movements, and their stories have become the beating heart of this photographer’s life and sense of surprise and adventure.

He keeps the vibrant spirit and the love of stories in each picture that it portrays.

Light On Pretty Woman

Today is an eventful day for me. Ready for work and do my best as efficient as I can.

I see my youth of today. Make this day worthwhile, fill it with the work of my hands. I will be gracious and kind, and see to it that I can think for myself with better understanding of life than I had been yesterday.

And at the end of the day, I will say to myself, "Well done, Beautiful and hardworking woman as I am."

Clamoring in the Streets: Police Officers on the Lookout

"Sometimes the only difference between history and hysteria is the spelling," --Police officer. I think, that's what he's thinking.

People whose central, basic, and main concern is their  own happiness seldom find it. Unless they begin to seek kindness, find it, and serve it for the good of another and country. That, is truly making history memorable, as did our true great men and women heroes who fought and died for our freedom, security and pursuit of happiness.


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