
Questions & Answers Under the Religion and Philosophy Umbrella

If you visit blogging directories or article sites searching for content, certain content is very easy to find since the categories chosen are obvious like Health, Food, Sofhopping, etc.  But for other “stuff” people don’t want to choose “Miscellaneous” or “Other” because it’s too vague.  So they usually choose “Religion and Philosophy” (alternately called “Religion and Spirituality”) or “Society and Culture” or “Culture” or “Lifestyle”.  You can find a lot of interesting articles and blog posts in these categories.  Opinions, perspectives, views, beliefs, etc. plus lots of questions and answers.  Many writers discuss subjects that I think about a lot and really want to read other people’s thoughts about the matter.  By contrast, many ask questions I would never even think of and get Answers I’d never think of either!

#1 Questions about money?

Many say religion is an avenue to wealth and many have a philosophy about wealth creation.  Never thought of using a green candle.

#2 Questions about drugs?

Discussion or information about drug abuse should clearly be under Health.  Unless you link crystal meth to (or feel the need to unlink it from) witches and demons. (O.o)  Then it should be under Religion and Philosophy.

#3 Questions about dreams?

Dreaming is often associated with a religious or spiritual experience.  Hence many articles about your dreams are found under Religion and Philosophy.

#5 Questions about your soul and spirit?

These are questions I thought of and answers I thought of too because ... I think a lot!  Don't you?


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