
Pinterest Obsesses Or…..?

(Talkin’ About My Generation – Finch, born 1951, reminisces Woodstock, the swinging sixties, the one-eyed men…those kings in the Country of the Blind)

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Is it just me or has anyone else out there noticed that Pinterest keeps on giving us pictures of Woodstock, hippies from 1969, and the year 1969 itself? Not one of those pictures gives the impression that the sixties were a rip-off or that pop stars got knighted. The nudity still seems revolutionary (but wasn’t), and with internet porn so all-invasive the photos (especially the black and whites) now seem “innocently revolutionary”. For me it’s fine seeing Jimmie Hendrix in his heyday though it’s sad how he finished, and all those guys and gals massed together just like in a rally…were they really all that liberal and liberated?

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Where was Woodstock? Where is Woodstock? Just outside Oxford University, and how much of the pop world has rubbed off today in and on Oxford and its University? Woodstock is a quaint English town with very high prices and very snobbish people not to delve too much into its palace, Blenheim…so for me Pinterest’s obsession is quaint but misleading. The sixties were an era when people, many people, were not that well, when the elite of the pop world told us how to live (and died doing so), and those years have probably led to that incredible prison which is England today, dominated by rules, regulations and fines where you can’t even smoke a filtered cigarette without risking scorn and where your packet just has to tell you all the illnesses you’re likely to get. The rich and the poor are firmly divided, and the country is so free today that few people can get a house of their own without luck. Those sixties’ pop stars, the ones who are long-livers, continue privileged and certainly don’t say anything to make anyone think Pinterest and its photos are short-sighted if you’ll excuse the oxymoron or whatever.

I can just imagine all those rallied people on Woodstock’s green lawns, thanking the stars for the chance to rebel outside Churchill’s palace where once upon a time the skylarks trilled but trill no more because of the decimation of England’s landscapes while the hungry generations of today eye those yesteryears when everything was meant to be getting better because a group of naked people listened in purple haze and couldn’t see England’s aristocracy laughing at them from the windows of palaces. Talkin’ about my generation. Who? The Who.

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What do you think?

Written by Jonathan Finch