
Great Wave

(Photos courtesy of Abraham Hicks….)

If you love to bake, you know that this is always true. You have to follow all the steps first, before you can see your finished product.

It takes time, and chemistry to get it right. It takes the right temperature, and for you, the baker, the right temperament to bake. Not enough butter on the cupcake mold, and the brownies will surely burn.

Don’t see a packet of walnuts, as promised on the outside of the box? Don’t be impatient.  The walnuts are inside the mix. You have to trust it’s all there, otherwise your neurotic mind will lie, lie, lie.

You want the brownies. That’s why you bought the mix for sale, at Smart and Final. You just need to make sure you bake them on a cold, and rainy day.

Like a surfer, you need to learn to ride the waves of your emotions. Sure, you might fall off, and have to swim, for a while.  But actually, the more you fall, the better you will become; the more fluent you will be in emotional intelligence.

No one will be able to use your weaknesses against you. When you have achieved this, you are the  master of your domain.


What do you think?

Written by Maria Ayala


  1. Yes. Sometimes, not getting what you want is a blessing. When things or people are being removed from our lives, it’s because something better is going to fall into place!!