
Are You Superstitious About Death?

You are probably thinking that death is a morbid topic.  For some, it might be.  For others, death is just an everyday part of living. They accept that it comes to us all and there’s nothing morbid about it.  It’s not to be dreaded.  It is the gateway or entrance to another life.  Still, others have a real fear or fears about death. Many of the fears are grounded in superstitions or superstitious beliefs.  Whether or not you believe, the content written on the topic of Superstitions About Death makes for very interesting reading.

#1 So Sad That Such a Beautiful Creature was Tortured and Killed

#9 Three Soldiers Should Not Light a Cigarette From the Same Match

Three Soldiers Should Not Light a Cigarette From the Same Match?  Instead of warning soldiers about the dangers of cigarette smoking you warn them about a match?  Some "marketer" came up with a way to sell extra boxes of matches.  It's sad that soldiers must accept the fact that death could happen in an instant.  That psychological weight should not have an additional burden added to it such as an unfounded superstition.


What do you think?


    • If you are a single person then I suppose you can have the luxury of not thinking about it. But if you have those who depend on you, then no doubt you understand that you should prepare for it.

    • My late mother was very superstitious. She freaked out over so many things that she thought was a sign of death. Her freaking out used to scare me more what she saw!