I was trying to watch an episode online. I’d gone to my usual site, which lists the newest episodes of each series. I clicked on a program, got the list of domains where I could view it.

<a href="https://www.ashiktricks.com/best-sites-to-watch-tv-shows-online/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
I clicked on my usual choice and got an error message. I clicked on another, same error message. In short, someone had slapped the site and/or the domains to prevent me from watching the episode.
So, I went to another site which also lists the episodes of television programs, did a search, found my series, clicked, and watched.
And it was at that moment I was struck by the magnificence of the Internet, of the brilliance of the site owners who know that the more there are, the better.
In ancient days of the 1990s there was often one site that dealt with [topic]. It seemed that the belief was…’oh, they already have a site which deals with [topic] so there’s no sense in me creating a site.’

<a href="http://geoffreymultimedia.com/buying-a-new-computer/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
That meant, for example, if you were, for any reason, tossed off a site, trolled, or your opinions were disliked, that was it for you.
The first site dealing with Star Trek demanded you use Windows Exploder as your browser. If you didn’t, you couldn’t get on.

<a href="http://www.startrekdesktopwallpaper.com/Star_Trek_Original_Series_freecomputerdesktopwallpaper.shtml" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
I recall being on a site dealing with women’s issues, trying to make a point, and having my comment deleted and getting a message I was banned.
Overtime things have changed, and for the better.
I don’t use Internet Explorer, avoid Google, and when I want to watch a show online and the site I usually use isn’t working, I have somewhere else to go.