
Why You Need To Meet The Family – 6


How does his father treat his mother? Does he defer to her? Ridicule her? Treat her as a slave? Does he abuse her?

Listen to his father’s words, watch his mother’s responses.

Is his father sitting in the living room ordering his mother bring him a beer and is she racing to obey?

Does he say things like, “Honey, you’re too stupid to understand this.”

Does his father ‘appraise’ you as if you’re on sale? Is he caustic? Insulting?

Whatever you see is what you are likely to get. Keep your eyes and ears open, and your radar on maximum.

Hearing the father say to the mother, (in a carefully controlled voice) “Didn’t I tell you….” suggests that as soon as you leave he’ll beat the crap out of his wife.

You can expect the same thing from your darling gentle fiance in twenty years.   Or less.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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