These pictures come from the same day I took that of Tulip Buddy.
As I mentioned in the previous post, hunting in the city, we have some cats wandering in the area.
They all seem to have owners, and sometimes, they’re friendly.
Kitty was strange, she would get close or show interest by lying on her back, but once we approached her or attempted to touch, she would run away.
Our guess was that she was pregnant. She had a heavy belly, as well.
I decided to take some photos of her, while she was chilling and looking at cars passing by. She was shy but didn’t mind being my model.
Unfortunately, all she did was looking at the cars. I couldn’t get any eye-contact.
Now I think she might have been waiting for her human mommy/daddy.
Yup, it would have been great if we could have cuddled her. ?
I wonder if she wasn’t in the mood, or if she just didn’t trust us.