
Value of the Cold War – 30

Those born at the end of the Cold War, would have to, unless extremely rich or brilliant, accept a low position in life. 

Education was extremely expensive and there were few no real opportunities.

The children born to this generation,  that is, the  grand children of Baby Boomers, are removed from society.   They are plugged into mindless computer games, kept distracted.

With computers relatively cheap one would have imagined a brilliant generation.  But computers are not used to search for information or learn anything.  Computers are used as mind catchers.  

This generation bangs on a keyboard or moves a mouse, totally engrossed in a prefabricated fantasy.

Inactive, they are fat, sick,  lazy.  Only a handful can achieve in High School what their grandparents did in Elementary  School.

Considering the position of America today, it is no dislocation.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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