
Too Late – Wilma – 6

 Wilma, shocked her kids would arrive take one look at their sibling, and leave so quickly.  She  rang her eldest, Eve.

Wilma told her that  she needed her children.  She needed them to help to look after Esta.

Eve, speaking for all of them said;

  “Mom,  we have lives.  Also,when you die I am NOT taking care of Esta, nor will my brother or sister.”

Wilma was upset, angry.  She couldn’t believe her child could be so selfish.  She castigated Eve, telling her how and cold and heartless she was, how Esta was her sister!  

Eve had deliberately spoken to her mother in a certain voice, and selected words to provoke her mother’s rage.  The words  Wilma used  she couldn’t take back.   Those words used by Wilma were transmitted to Jason and Sonia and the children cut all ties with their mother.

As far as the sibling were concerned, their mother wanted to have a baby with Down’s Syndrome. That was her cross to bear. Not Eddies, not Eve, not Jason, not Sonia’s, not anyone but Wilma’s.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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