
Three Sides – Sherry -8

Having an abortion, ending my marriage, and moving to a new town were the wisest acts I had ever done.

My past was erased.

I obtained a good job,  concentrated, and  met someone who truly attracted me.  As I was looking for more than one night, was not as open as I usually was.   Our relationship moved slowly, and then to serious.

With the annulment of my marriage to Daniel, I could marry Will, and we could have a real life, with real children.

If Gabi hadn’t appeared…

If Daniel’s obnoxious daughter Gabi had not appeared.. if she had not, by her ‘performance’,  made it clear what kind of ‘life’ her father and I would have with her in our world…..I wouldn’t have run.I wouldn’t have left Daniel, gotten an abortion, run to another town, and begun annulment proceedings.

I was so lucky that within days of our marriage I met Daniel’s daughter…If not…I might never have entered into this wonderful new world.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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